Welcome to the Medical Society of the United States and Mexico





Annual meetings are every Fall alternating between the United States and Mexico. A variety of social events combined with twelve hours of scientific programs offer an opportunity for you to have a fun, yet educational meeting. The speakers at our meetings are experts in their field and offer a diversity of topics which offer the members the opportunity to learn about the newest techniques and interesting facts about different types of medicine.

We are looking for volunteers to provide half-hour to 1-hour papers for the next meeting.

The Next Annual Symposium of the Medical Society of the United States and Mexico will be held in:

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico  September 27 – 30, 2023

The Medical Society of the United States and Mexico was founded to unite physicians of the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico for better understanding and solutions to mutual problems and need in medicine. It is one of the few multi-specialty international organizations covering all general and specialty areas of medicine. The organization is composed of physicians from the southwestern United States (California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas) with scattered membership throughout the other states, and doctors from Northern Mexico and Guadalajara.

Each country has its own officers, who frequently consult with each other, holding a combined board meeting twice a year. The Society promotes scientific exchange between its members and free dialogue for the case and clinical investigation of specialty areas important, both currently and historically to physicians of both countries. A scientific program is held each year at various sites in the United States or Mexico. The multi-specialty diversity of the program permits medical specialists to become reacquainted with current clinical developments in associated areas of medicine and allows them to relate this knowledge to their own practice. Although the Medical Society of the United States and Mexico has a strong scientific basis, the social and cultural aspects of the organization are considered to be equally important, and meetings are held in areas of cultural and historic prominence.

Although the Medical Society of the United States and Mexico has a strong scientific basis, the social and cultural aspects of the organization are considered to be equally important, and meetings are held in areas of cultural and historic prominence. The organization stresses the cultural aspects of the two countries.


The mission of the Medical Society of the United States and Mexico is to sustain and cherish this non-profit educational organization of shared medical scientific progress and maintain twin country respect and friendship.

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